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Using pip package

Install the package:

pip install pr-agent

Then run the relevant tool with the script below.
Make sure to fill in the required parameters (user_token, openai_key, pr_url, command):

from pr_agent import cli
from pr_agent.config_loader import get_settings

def main():
    # Fill in the following values
    provider = "github" # GitHub provider
    user_token = "..."  # GitHub user token
    openai_key = "..."  # OpenAI key
    pr_url = "..."      # PR URL, for example ''
    command = "/review" # Command to run (e.g. '/review', '/describe', '/ask="What is the purpose of this PR?"', ...)

    # Setting the configurations
    get_settings().set("CONFIG.git_provider", provider)
    get_settings().set("openai.key", openai_key)
    get_settings().set("github.user_token", user_token)

    # Run the command. Feedback will appear in GitHub PR comments
    cli.run_command(pr_url, command)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Using Docker image

A list of the relevant tools can be found in the tools guide.

To invoke a tool (for example review), you can run directly from the Docker image. Here's how:

  • For GitHub:

    docker run --rm -it -e OPENAI.KEY=<your key> -e GITHUB.USER_TOKEN=<your token> codiumai/pr-agent:latest --pr_url <pr_url> review

  • For GitLab:

    docker run --rm -it -e OPENAI.KEY=<your key> -e CONFIG.GIT_PROVIDER=gitlab -e GITLAB.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your token> codiumai/pr-agent:latest --pr_url <pr_url> review

Note: If you have a dedicated GitLab instance, you need to specify the custom url as variable:

docker run --rm -it -e OPENAI.KEY=<your key> -e CONFIG.GIT_PROVIDER=gitlab -e GITLAB.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your token> -e GITLAB.URL=<your gitlab instance url> codiumai/pr-agent:latest --pr_url <pr_url> review

  • For BitBucket:
    docker run --rm -it -e CONFIG.GIT_PROVIDER=bitbucket -e OPENAI.KEY=$OPENAI_API_KEY -e BITBUCKET.BEARER_TOKEN=$BITBUCKET_BEARER_TOKEN codiumai/pr-agent:latest --pr_url=<pr_url> review

For other git providers, update CONFIG.GIT_PROVIDER accordingly, and check the pr_agent/settings/.secrets_template.toml file for the environment variables expected names and values.

If you want to ensure you're running a specific version of the Docker image, consider using the image's digest:

docker run --rm -it -e OPENAI.KEY=<your key> -e GITHUB.USER_TOKEN=<your token> codiumai/pr-agent@sha256:71b5ee15df59c745d352d84752d01561ba64b6d51327f97d46152f0c58a5f678 --pr_url <pr_url> review

Or you can run a specific released versions of pr-agent, for example:

Run from source

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the /pr-agent folder and install the requirements in your favorite virtual environment:
pip install -e .

Note: If you get an error related to Rust in the dependency installation then make sure Rust is installed and in your PATH, instructions:

  1. Copy the secrets template file and fill in your OpenAI key and your GitHub user token:
cp pr_agent/settings/.secrets_template.toml pr_agent/settings/.secrets.toml
chmod 600 pr_agent/settings/.secrets.toml
# Edit .secrets.toml file
  1. Run the script:
python3 -m pr_agent.cli --pr_url <pr_url> review
python3 -m pr_agent.cli --pr_url <pr_url> ask <your question>
python3 -m pr_agent.cli --pr_url <pr_url> describe
python3 -m pr_agent.cli --pr_url <pr_url> improve
python3 -m pr_agent.cli --pr_url <pr_url> add_docs
python3 -m pr_agent.cli --pr_url <pr_url> generate_labels
python3 -m pr_agent.cli --issue_url <issue_url> similar_issue

[Optional] Add the pr_agent folder to your PYTHONPATH

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<PATH to pr_agent folder>
