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Run a GitLab webhook server

  1. From the GitLab workspace or group, create an access token. Enable the "api" scope only.

  2. Generate a random secret for your app, and save it for later. For example, you can use:

WEBHOOK_SECRET=$(python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex(10))")
3. Follow the instructions to build the Docker image, setup a secrets file and deploy on your own server from here steps 4-7.

  1. In the secrets file, fill in the following:

    • Your OpenAI key.
    • In the [gitlab] section, fill in personal_access_token and shared_secret. The access token can be a personal access token, or a group or project access token.
    • Set deployment_type to 'gitlab' in configuration.toml
  2. Create a webhook in GitLab. Set the URL to the URL of your app's server. Set the secret token to the generated secret from step 2. In the "Trigger" section, check the β€˜comments’ and β€˜merge request events’ boxes.

  3. Test your installation by opening a merge request or commenting or a merge request using one of CodiumAI's commands.
