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Question: Can PR-Agent serve as a substitute for a human reviewer?


PR-Agent is designed to assist, not replace, human reviewers.

Reviewing PRs is a tedious and time-consuming task often seen as a "chore". In addition, the longer the PR – the shorter the relative feedback, since long PRs can overwhelm reviewers, both in terms of technical difficulty, and the actual review time. PR-Agent aims to address these pain points, and to assist and empower both the PR author and reviewer.

However, PR-Agent has built-in safeguards to ensure the developer remains in the driver's seat. For example:

  1. Preserves user's original PR header
  2. Places user's description above the AI-generated PR description
  3. Cannot approve PRs; approval remains reviewer's responsibility
  4. The code suggestions are optional, and aim to:
    • Encourage self-review and self-reflection
    • Highlight potential bugs or oversights
    • Enhance code quality and promote best practices

Read more about this issue in our blog

Question: I received an incorrect or irrelevant suggestion. Why?


  • Modern AI models, like Claude 3.5 Sonnet and GPT-4, are improving rapidly but remain imperfect. Users should critically evaluate all suggestions rather than accepting them automatically.
  • AI errors are rare, but possible. A main value from reviewing the code suggestions lies in their high probability of catching mistakes or bugs made by the PR author. We believe it's worth spending 30-60 seconds reviewing suggestions, even if some aren't relevant, as this practice can enhances code quality and prevent bugs in production.

  • The hierarchical structure of the suggestions is designed to help the user to quickly understand them, and to decide which ones are relevant and which are not:

    • Only if the Category header is relevant, the user should move to the summarized suggestion description.
    • Only if the summarized suggestion description is relevant, the user should click on the collapsible, to read the full suggestion description with a code preview example.
  • In addition, we recommend to use the extra_instructions field to guide the model to suggestions that are more relevant to the specific needs of the project.

  • The interactive PR chat also provides an easy way to get more tailored suggestions and feedback from the AI model.

Question: How can I get more tailored suggestions?


See here for more information on how to use the extra_instructions and best_practices configuration options, to guide the model to more tailored suggestions.

Question: Will you store my code ? Are you using my code to train models?


No. PR-Agent strict privacy policy ensures that your code is not stored or used for training purposes.

For a detailed overview of our data privacy policy, please refer to this link

Question: Can I use my own LLM keys with PR-Agent?


When you self-host, you use your own keys.

PR-Agent Pro with SaaS deployment is a hosted version of PR-Agent, where Codium AI manages the infrastructure and the keys. For enterprise customers, on-prem deployment is also available. Contact us for more information.
